Greeting Manners Practice
A completed intake form and four practice minimum is required, as well as a one-on-one in-person introduction to the program prior to practices (this will be included in the program cost).
These in-person practice sessions will be available on an “as needed” basis, in a public area to be determined.
Sometimes you might find you have a dog that doesn’t really like other dogs… or children, or people… or people with hats… or people who are loud.
It can be really embarrassing and isolating to have a dog that barks at other beings (I know, I have one of those too!)
You get a dog and dream of taking long walks on the beach or on the trails with them, but it’s so stressful not knowing if you’re going to see some one, or if they’ll have a dog.
Will your dog bark at them?
Luckily, I’ve had some experience working with these kinds of dogs… her name is Kitchi and she’s the reason I became a dog trainer!
Kitchi and I had an amazing trainer who helped give us the opportunity to practice seeing her triggers in a safe, pre-planned environment.
And now I get to share these skills with you!
This will not be a program, exactly.
When you sign up for Greeting Manners Practice, I will meet with you in person to discuss the game plan and learn the basics of handling.
I will give you some homework, things to read, videos to watch, and practice to do.
Then we will begin to have carefully set-up practices with another dog/human, so that you can put what you’ve learned into real-life scenarios designed to help them feel better rather than be reactive. During these staged sessions, we will communicate through walkie-talkies (that I will provide for you) so that we can all communicate with each other without getting too close, and I can give you real time feedback as I observe each team of dogs and humans.
There will be a max of 3 dogs per session.
Please Note:
Although I have completed Michael Shikashio’s Master Course Aggression in Dogs, and I have a reactive dog myself, I do not specialize in reactivity… it’s just not my jam. BUT, I have amazing colleagues who love to help reactive dogs and their guardians so please contact me and I’ll put you in touch with the one that will fit your needs the most. They will be happy to do whatever they can help you and your dog work through their reactivity.
Please know that there is help for you & your dog out there,
let me help connect you to the right person.
There is absolutely zero cost for a consultation call and a referral.
Please reach out to get the help you & your dog deserve.
Investment in Greeting Manners Practice
$20 per 30 min Practice
$80 total cost minimum